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Dr. 韦德麦克莱恩



作为土生土长的图森人,毕业于图森高中(Tucson High School). 韦德麦克莱恩 began his career as a teacher in the Marana Unified School District and retired 30 years later as Superintendent. He also served the White Mountain Apache community as the Whiteriver Unified School District’s Superintendent.

在完成教育/生物学学士学位后, he continued his education at the University of Arizona earning his master’s and doctorate in Educational 领导.

Dr. McLean served four years on the Arizona State Board of Education and served as President and Vice President, was the State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Educational Liaison, was a member of the Educational 领导 faculty at the University of Arizona and was Co-Director of the Educational 领导 Internship Program. He collaborated with 皮马社区学院 to design a “grow your own” teacher credentialing program. 他还在这个项目中为皮马社区学院任教.

His service has also included Board membership and past Chair of WestEd, 一项全国性的研究, development and service nonprofit assisting education efforts throughout the U.S., 皮马县劳动力投资委员会, 皮马县债券咨询委员会, 中北部协会国家委员会委员, Board member and past chair of the Metropolitan Education Commission, 和亚利桑那大学P-20委员会.

Dr. McLean has received numerous recognitions and awards including: Marana Chamber of Commerce “Man of the Year,” University of Arizona Alumni Association Professional Achievement Award, 亚利桑那州学校行政部门年度最佳督学, dedication of 韦德麦克莱恩 Pool by the Pima County Board of Supervisors, 马拉纳镇议会为韦德麦克莱恩公园揭幕, League of United Latin American Citizens Presidential and 社区 Service awards, 以及图森市的铜制信件.





特里萨里尔 graduated from Sabino High School in '82 and then traveled with UpWithPeople, an organization for youth whose musical performances promoted diversity, 种族平等, 在国内和国际上积极思考. The experience gave her valuable knowledge and skills in building bridges of communication and understanding between all people.

特蕾莎在亚利桑那大学学习, earning a BA in 1987 and an MA in Teaching and Teacher Education/Mathematics in 1995. 她在南亚利桑那州教了33年数学, spending the last 23 years on the faculty of 皮马社区学院. Her teaching experience taught her that every student can learn mathematics if taught in ways that accord with their individual learning styles.

While at PCC, she took courses in welding, classical guitar, woodworking and watercolor.

特蕾莎在图森社区很活跃, serving as president of the Rosemont West Neighborhood Association and as a Big Sister for the Big Brothers and Sisters of Southern Arizona. 她是何塞修女妇女收容所的定期志愿者, 为无家可归妇女提供的庇护所.

Theresa is the mother of two amazing young men who have given her by far the best experience and most significant accomplishment of her life.




第三区:玛丽亚·D. 加西亚

Ms. 加西亚 worked for Hughes/Raytheon from 1974 until she retired in 2013. Her work experience includes engineering, quality control, research and development, and management. She received an Associate of Arts Degree from Pima and attended the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management.

她是土生土长的亚利桑那人. 加西亚 was married to the late Arizona Senate majority leader Jorge Luis 加西亚. 2010年他去世后, she was appointed to serve the remainder of his term in the State Senate. She currently serves as a precinct committee member for Legislative District 3.

Ms. 加西亚有三个孩子和五个孙子.

11月当选. 2019-2024年为2018年




Greg’s work focuses on strengthening Arizona’s social service safety net and improving Arizonans’ quality of life. 他热衷于支持儿童, 家庭, 脆弱的成年人, making a personal commitment through board and volunteer service and a professional commitment through designing and implementing programs for corporate social responsibility and community engagement. 

Greg目前担任区域副总裁, 社区事务, 亚利桑那州完全健康, 亚利桑那州的Centene公司的健康计划. Previously, he served as the Chief 社区 and Public Relations Officer at 社区 合作伙伴, Inc. 和南亚利桑那州社区伙伴关系, and Public Relations and Communications Director for Magellan Health Services of Arizona. 自2011年以来, Greg stewarded the investment of approximately $20 million in support of social service and nonprofit organizations.

他目前任职于皮马社区学院管理委员会, as the board chair for the American Heart Association (AHA) Tucson/Southern Arizona affiliate, 也是美国心脏协会西部各州附属机构董事会的成员. In 2016, the Arizona Daily Star and Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce named Greg Tucson’s 40 Under 40 Man of the Year. 2019年, 格雷格和他的妻子, 杰西, 共同主持了图森心脏行走, 筹集了创纪录的近300美元,用于心脏病和中风研究.

另外, his work in public relations and marketing efforts has been recognized by the International Association of 业务 Communicators, 卫生信息资源中心, 以及市场营销和传播专业人士协会. Greg also holds a bachelor’s degree with honors in American Studies from Stanford University.




第五区:路易斯·L. 冈萨雷斯

Mr. 冈萨雷斯是亚基人. He honed his legislative and policy skills while serving as Tribal Leader from 2000-2012.

他是社区学院制度的产物, earning an associate’s degree in 政府 of Criminal Justice. 2012年,奥巴马. 冈萨雷斯 earned a bachelor’s degree in Education, with an emphasis on Literacy, Learning & 领导力,来自亚利桑那大学.

Mr. 冈萨雷斯 lives on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation with his wife, Sally. 他们有5个女儿,并为他们的27个孙子孙女感到自豪.

Mr. 冈萨雷斯的经历包括担任教育项目主任, focusing on student scholarships and community resource management. 他精通多种语言,会讲亚基语、西班牙语和英语. 多年来,先生. 冈萨雷斯 has served on parent committees for the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Tucson Unified School District. 他目前在亚利桑那州印第安人老龄化委员会任职.

Mr. 冈萨雷斯 will continue to promote quality, affordable and accessible higher education for all.

11月当选. 2018 f或者是2019-2024年

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